RIVALS 2022 – 3 rd National Level Mini Bike Race held at Karpagam Institute of Technology

The RIVALS - 2022 event is a challenging design engineering and manufacturing competition which involved performance demonstration of mini bikes with engineering ethics. It is also recognized that this event is an "Innovation Enhancement Experience".

Coimbatore: On behalf of Karpagam Institute of Technology, RIVALS-2022, 3rd National level Mini Bike Race event held on May 26 th 2022 organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at 09.00 AM.

The Chief Guests were P.A.Arun, Manager (Formula Racing), J A Motorsport, V. Velarasan, Doctoral Researcher (Automobile), PSG College of Tech and Ashwin Jawahar, Manager (Special Projects) J A Motorsport. The Principal Dr.P.Manimaran, Vice Principal Dr.D.Bhanu, Public Relations Officer K.M.C.Athi Pandiyan, HoDs of various departments, Faculty Members and Students of Karpagam Institute of Technology were on board.

The RIVALS - 2022 event is a challenging design engineering and manufacturing competition which involved performance demonstration of mini bikes with engineering ethics. It is also recognized that this event is an "Innovation Enhancement Experience".

The RIVALS 2022, commenced with a rally initiated by the Vice Principal Dr.D.Bhanu, followed by the Mini Bike Race. The Rivals 2022 Event was conducted based upon 80cc and 100cc categories. Under these categories, overall 30 plus teams participated from various colleges and they exposed their skills on the track.

The prizes were distributed based on the Design, Evaluation, Innovation and Presentation.

The first prize winner under the 80cc and 100cc categories are M. Abdulla, a student of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College has won the first prize under the 80cc category and R. Benito from Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore won the prize under the 100cc category.

Prize winners have been awarded cash prizes and certificates were distributed to the participants.


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