First Anniversary Celebration of Nectar of Life - Human Milk Bank at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital

Rotary Club of Coimbatore Cotton City started a private Mother’s Milk Bank in the South Tamil Nadu at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital in August 2021 under the banner of  Rotary International to provide mother’s milk to deprived infants.

Coimbatore: Rotary Club of Coimbatore Cotton City started a private Mother’s Milk Bank in the South Tamil Nadu at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital in August 2021 under the banner ofRotary International to provide mother’s milk to the deprived infants. The milk bank celebrated its first anniversary on 22nd August 2022 at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital, Coimbatore.

There is no equivalent substitute for mother’s milk as it offers the best immunization to babies, but due to extreme situations a lot of babies do not get mothers’ milk and in such situations breast milk bank comes at hand to help them.

A breast milk bank collects breast milk donated by lactating mothers, pasteurizes it for the removal of bacteria and viruses and then deep freezes it for storage before dispensation to infants in need.

Mothers can either donate milk at the hospital or express it in the convenience of their homes and store it in their refrigerators, which is later collected by the nectar bees or the milk collectors. Nectar of Life of Sri Ramakrishna Hospital collects milk from various places like Tirupur, Pondicherry, Pollachi, Karamadai other than Coimbatore. The voluntary nectar bees or milk collectors are businessmen, doctors, housewives etc., who believe in this social cause.

The milk bank has collected 400078 ml of milk and donated 297769 ml of milk free of cost to benefit 250 infants across Tamil Nadu in a span of just 1 year.

To mark the anniversary celebration and to meet the increasing demandforstorage of milk, the Rotary Club of Coimbatore Cotton City donated a vertical deep freezer with storage bottles and disposable bags to Nectar of Life at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital, Coimbatore.

The mothers who had donated milk over the past one year were given personalized mementoes to honour their donation for this Noble cause. The recipient mothers and donor mothers shared their experience with the audience.

Celebrations were conducted under the presence of Shri. R. Sundar, JointManaging Trustee, SNR SonsCharitable Trust, Rtn. S. Rajmohan Nair, District Governor–RIDist3201, Rtn. R.Madhav Chandaran District Trainer RI Dist 3201 Mr. C. V. Ramkumar, CEO, SNR SonsCharitable Trust and Dr.P.Sukumaran, Dean and Medical Director of Sri Ramakrishna Hospital.

The celebration ceremony was attended by the District officials of Rotary Dist 3201, the organising team of Rotary Club of Coimbatore Cotton City comprising of Rtn.Dr.Neetika Prabu,Chairperson, Rtn.Rakesh Kumar Ranka GGR Co- Chairperson, Rtn. Ajay Kumar Gupta,IPP, Rtn. Nirov Sheth, President, Rtn.Krishna Samanth, Secretary and the members of Coimbatore Parenting Network and Achintaya Milk Donation Drive.


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