Bharat Biotech explains on who should not take Covaxin shot amidst concerns
Bharat Biotech explains on who should not take Covaxin shot amidst concerns. The Bharat BIotech released a factsheet that explained people with weaker immunity and those who are on a medicine that affects their immune system and people prone to allergies must not take the Covaxin shot.
The government earlier said that patients who suffer from immune deficiency and take immuno-suppressants can take the vaccine and said that it would be less effective in such individuals who are mostly cancer patients on chemotherapy, HIV-positive people and those who are on steroids are immune-suppressed. India has started vaccinating lakhs using two Covid vaccines - the Indian made Covaxin and the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine Covishield produced by Serum Institute of India from Saturday.
The government said that since then 580 adverse reactions have been reported and two deaths in Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka that are unrelated to the vaccine. The fact sheet released by Bharat Biotech explains that those with a history of allergies, those having fever, those having bleeding disorder or are on a blood thinner, those pregnant or breastfeeding, and those with any other serious health-related issues must not be injected with Covaxin. Also who have already taken a shot of other Covid-19 vaccine cannot take Covaxin
They have also warned recipients of severe allergic reactions that may include difficulty in breathing, swelling of the face and throat, fast heart-beat, rashes all over the body, dizziness and weakness. All of them receiving the vaccines are asked to disclose their medical conditions, medicines they are taking and allergies. The factsheet lists side effects that include pain, swelling or itching in the injection spot, body ache, headache, fever, malaise, weakness, rashes, nausea and vomiting. Bharat Biotech has said there is also a remote chance that the Covaxin could cause a severe allergic reaction. Hence vaccination providers will ask recipients to stay for 30 minutes after each dose for monitoring. The recipients would be part of follow-ups for a period of three months after the second dose of vaccination.
Factsheet said "In case of any serious adverse events, vaccine recipients will be provided with a medically recognised standard of care in the government designated and authorised centres/hospital. The compensation for the serious adverse event will also be provided,"
The factsheet also underlines the fact that "clinical efficacy of Covaxin is yet to be established and it is still being studied in Phase 3 clinical trials. Hence, it is important to appreciate that receiving the vaccine does not mean that other precautions related to Covid-19 need not be followed."
The government earlier said that patients who suffer from immune deficiency and take immuno-suppressants can take the vaccine and said that it would be less effective in such individuals who are mostly cancer patients on chemotherapy, HIV-positive people and those who are on steroids are immune-suppressed. India has started vaccinating lakhs using two Covid vaccines - the Indian made Covaxin and the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine Covishield produced by Serum Institute of India from Saturday.
The government said that since then 580 adverse reactions have been reported and two deaths in Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka that are unrelated to the vaccine. The fact sheet released by Bharat Biotech explains that those with a history of allergies, those having fever, those having bleeding disorder or are on a blood thinner, those pregnant or breastfeeding, and those with any other serious health-related issues must not be injected with Covaxin. Also who have already taken a shot of other Covid-19 vaccine cannot take Covaxin
They have also warned recipients of severe allergic reactions that may include difficulty in breathing, swelling of the face and throat, fast heart-beat, rashes all over the body, dizziness and weakness. All of them receiving the vaccines are asked to disclose their medical conditions, medicines they are taking and allergies. The factsheet lists side effects that include pain, swelling or itching in the injection spot, body ache, headache, fever, malaise, weakness, rashes, nausea and vomiting. Bharat Biotech has said there is also a remote chance that the Covaxin could cause a severe allergic reaction. Hence vaccination providers will ask recipients to stay for 30 minutes after each dose for monitoring. The recipients would be part of follow-ups for a period of three months after the second dose of vaccination.
Factsheet said "In case of any serious adverse events, vaccine recipients will be provided with a medically recognised standard of care in the government designated and authorised centres/hospital. The compensation for the serious adverse event will also be provided,"
The factsheet also underlines the fact that "clinical efficacy of Covaxin is yet to be established and it is still being studied in Phase 3 clinical trials. Hence, it is important to appreciate that receiving the vaccine does not mean that other precautions related to Covid-19 need not be followed."