Parijat is a very famous flower in India, which helps to treat many health problems since decades. It was a very common herb in the Ayurvedic industry. Parijat flower is called as Raat Ki Rani In India and its English name is Night Jasmine.
Parijat is a very famous flower in India, which helps to treat many health problems since decades. It was a very common herb in the Ayurvedic industry. Parijat flower is called as Raat Ki Rani In India and its English name is Night Jasmine. The amazing fragrance of this flower uses in many spiritual activities. But here we are going to talk about the health benefits of this incredibly beautiful which and orange flower which is a herb. So, let us have a look at the following. (Also Read: 7 Best Healing Herbs Which One Must Know)
Treats various types of fevers:
Night jasmine is quite efficient in treating the Malaria fever. Also, it treats nausea, diarrhoea and rising body temperature caused due to bile maladies. The leaf of this flower is helpful in reducing the fever of malaria, strains of Plasmodium falciparum. All you have to do is, mix 1 ml of olive oil and 2 drops of arising oil in a bowl. If possible soak this herb to the oil for 1 hour. Now rub the oil on your feet.
Reduces Pain and Inflammation:
Parijat makes amazing essential oils which are great to reduce the pain, injury and the inflammation. Not only this, it reduces the pain of arthritis, stress, muscle tension, rheumatism and sore muscles too. So, it is easy to understand how beneficial parijat is in treating pain. Hence, what you have to do is, mix the coconut oil and 5-6 drops of parijat essential oil in a bowl. Then, warm up the solution and massage on your swelled area. This will help a lot. (Also Read: Essential Herbs For Fast Weight Gain)
It is Antibacterial, Antiviral, and Antiallergic:
Night jasmine is a powerful antibacterial and antiviral herb. Doctors swear by this herb when it comes to anti-bacterial and antiviral properties. It cures various types of skin infections, allergies and rashes. It not only fights against bacteria, but it also helps to fight against the Semliki Forest Virus, and Cardiovirus which causes encephalomyocarditis. So, what you have to do is, mix two drops of parijat essential oil and coconut oil in a bowl. After that, do not forget to warm the oil. Now the remedy is ready to apply on your infected area.
Other health benefits of night jasmine or parijat:
There is no limit when it comes to talking about the health benefits of parijat or night jasmine. Apart from the above ones, here are some other health benefits too:
1. It helps in treating treat anxiety and vertigo.
2. It cures dandruff and prevents hair from turning grey.
3. Night jasmine helps in controlling the glucose levels in the body.
4. It gives a relieve in menstrual cramps. (Also Read: What Are The Herbs And Spices That Help Relieving Pain)
Treats various types of fevers:
Night jasmine is quite efficient in treating the Malaria fever. Also, it treats nausea, diarrhoea and rising body temperature caused due to bile maladies. The leaf of this flower is helpful in reducing the fever of malaria, strains of Plasmodium falciparum. All you have to do is, mix 1 ml of olive oil and 2 drops of arising oil in a bowl. If possible soak this herb to the oil for 1 hour. Now rub the oil on your feet.
Reduces Pain and Inflammation:
Parijat makes amazing essential oils which are great to reduce the pain, injury and the inflammation. Not only this, it reduces the pain of arthritis, stress, muscle tension, rheumatism and sore muscles too. So, it is easy to understand how beneficial parijat is in treating pain. Hence, what you have to do is, mix the coconut oil and 5-6 drops of parijat essential oil in a bowl. Then, warm up the solution and massage on your swelled area. This will help a lot. (Also Read: Essential Herbs For Fast Weight Gain)
It is Antibacterial, Antiviral, and Antiallergic:
Night jasmine is a powerful antibacterial and antiviral herb. Doctors swear by this herb when it comes to anti-bacterial and antiviral properties. It cures various types of skin infections, allergies and rashes. It not only fights against bacteria, but it also helps to fight against the Semliki Forest Virus, and Cardiovirus which causes encephalomyocarditis. So, what you have to do is, mix two drops of parijat essential oil and coconut oil in a bowl. After that, do not forget to warm the oil. Now the remedy is ready to apply on your infected area.
Other health benefits of night jasmine or parijat:
There is no limit when it comes to talking about the health benefits of parijat or night jasmine. Apart from the above ones, here are some other health benefits too:
1. It helps in treating treat anxiety and vertigo.
2. It cures dandruff and prevents hair from turning grey.
3. Night jasmine helps in controlling the glucose levels in the body.
4. It gives a relieve in menstrual cramps. (Also Read: What Are The Herbs And Spices That Help Relieving Pain)