Bitter gourd juice for weight loss: Most of us are well aware of the health benefits of eating bitter gourd. However, not many of us know the benefits of drinking bitter gourd juice and above that, we are unaware of the fact that bitter gourd juice helps to lose weight.
Bitter gourd juice for weight loss: Most of us are well aware of the health benefits of eating bitter gourd. However, not many of us know the benefits of drinking bitter gourd juice and above that, we are unaware of the fact that bitter gourd juice helps to lose weight. We usually take supplements and follow a strict diet to lose weight. Drinking bitter gourd juice can effectively help you to lose weight. It contains iron. magnesium, potassium, vitamin C along with a good amount of fibre. It helps to keep the blood sugar level under proper check and helps to lose weight. Let’s discuss how bitter gourd juice helps to lose weight?
Bitter gourd juice for weight loss: How does bitter gourd juice help to lose weight?
- How to lose weight drinking bitter gourd juice?
- How to prepare bitter gourd juice?
- How to lose weight drinking bitter gourd juice?
- Helps to regulate insulin
- Low in calories
- Good amount of fibre
Helps to regulate insulin
Drinking a glass of bitter gourd juice or Karela juice every day helps to keep the blood sugar level under proper check. It makes the insulin, active and prevents the storage of sugar in the body as fats. Thus, the controlled sugar level helps to lose weight.
Low in calories
Being low in calories, bitter gourd juice helps to lose weight. It has a low amount of fats and carbohydrates. Thus, drinking bitter gourd juice fills your stomach and unnecessary calorie intake.
Good amount of fibre
Fibre helps to curb the hunger and feel satiated for a longer time. Not just this, it also helps to make the digestive system healthy. Drinking a glass of bitter gourd juice provides sufficient fibre to the body and helps to lose weight.
How to prepare bitter gourd juice?
People often deny drinking bitter gourd juice as it is bitter in taste. But it can be made drinkable by adding some honey or Gur. All you need is bitter gourd and some fresh water. Separate the seeds of the bitter gourd from its flesh. Now soak the bitter gourd in water for around half an hour. Now add it in the juicer along with some salt and lemon juice.
These are the benefits of drinking bitter gourd juice and how to prepare it. You can drink it and see how you lose weight.
Bitter gourd juice for weight loss: How does bitter gourd juice help to lose weight?
- How to lose weight drinking bitter gourd juice?
- How to prepare bitter gourd juice?
- How to lose weight drinking bitter gourd juice?
- Helps to regulate insulin
- Low in calories
- Good amount of fibre
Helps to regulate insulin
Drinking a glass of bitter gourd juice or Karela juice every day helps to keep the blood sugar level under proper check. It makes the insulin, active and prevents the storage of sugar in the body as fats. Thus, the controlled sugar level helps to lose weight.
Low in calories
Being low in calories, bitter gourd juice helps to lose weight. It has a low amount of fats and carbohydrates. Thus, drinking bitter gourd juice fills your stomach and unnecessary calorie intake.
Good amount of fibre
Fibre helps to curb the hunger and feel satiated for a longer time. Not just this, it also helps to make the digestive system healthy. Drinking a glass of bitter gourd juice provides sufficient fibre to the body and helps to lose weight.
How to prepare bitter gourd juice?
People often deny drinking bitter gourd juice as it is bitter in taste. But it can be made drinkable by adding some honey or Gur. All you need is bitter gourd and some fresh water. Separate the seeds of the bitter gourd from its flesh. Now soak the bitter gourd in water for around half an hour. Now add it in the juicer along with some salt and lemon juice.
These are the benefits of drinking bitter gourd juice and how to prepare it. You can drink it and see how you lose weight.