Green fruits and vegetables: We all must have heard the need for including more green fruits and vegetables to our daily diet. It not just keeps our health good but also protects us from the risk of many diseases.
Green fruits and vegetables: We all must have heard the need for including more green fruits and vegetables to our daily diet. It not just keeps our health good but also protects us from the risk of many diseases. We often ignore this advice and do not pay attention towards our diet. If you consult the nutritionist, she will also suggest you eat more greens. It helps to provide necessary nutrients to the body and helps us to stay healthy. Avocado, green apple, pear, guava, grapes, kiwi, olives, kale, spinach, green capsicum, bok choy, peas, lettuce, cabbage and beans are some of the fruits and vegetables which are great for the body. Let’s discuss why should we include more greens to your daily diet.
Green fruits and vegetables: What are the health benefits of eating green fruits and vegetables more?
- Improves digestion
- Improves eye vision
- Corrects the deficiency of anaemia
- Boosts body immunity
- Helps to lose weight
Improves digestion
Consumption of green vegetables and fruits help you to get rid of the problems like constipation, nausea, gas, vomiting etc. The minerals and vitamins present in green vegetables help to keep the digestive system healthy.
Improves eye vision
If your eyesight is becoming weak, then you must include green fruits and vegetables to your diet. Vitamin A and potassium present in these fruits and vegetables help to repair the tissues of the eyes.
Corrects the deficiency of anaemia
Deficiency of iron is known as anaemia. Thus, include more green vegetables and fruits in your daily diet to stay healthy.
Boosts body immunity
Vegetables full of antioxidants like spinach, cabbage and lettuce as well as fruits like avocado, kiwi etc. reduce the free radical cells movement. It prevents the body from various diseases and boosts the immunity of the body.
Helps to lose weight
Green vegetables contain minerals, vitamins, dietary fibres etc. which do not have fats and help to lose weight.
These are some of the most common health benefits of eating green fruits and vegetables. Try to include them more in your diet and notice the change in your body.
Green fruits and vegetables: What are the health benefits of eating green fruits and vegetables more?
- Improves digestion
- Improves eye vision
- Corrects the deficiency of anaemia
- Boosts body immunity
- Helps to lose weight
Improves digestion
Consumption of green vegetables and fruits help you to get rid of the problems like constipation, nausea, gas, vomiting etc. The minerals and vitamins present in green vegetables help to keep the digestive system healthy.
Improves eye vision
If your eyesight is becoming weak, then you must include green fruits and vegetables to your diet. Vitamin A and potassium present in these fruits and vegetables help to repair the tissues of the eyes.
Corrects the deficiency of anaemia
Deficiency of iron is known as anaemia. Thus, include more green vegetables and fruits in your daily diet to stay healthy.
Boosts body immunity
Vegetables full of antioxidants like spinach, cabbage and lettuce as well as fruits like avocado, kiwi etc. reduce the free radical cells movement. It prevents the body from various diseases and boosts the immunity of the body.
Helps to lose weight
Green vegetables contain minerals, vitamins, dietary fibres etc. which do not have fats and help to lose weight.
These are some of the most common health benefits of eating green fruits and vegetables. Try to include them more in your diet and notice the change in your body.