Put into your daily routine practice this distinctive breathing technique to alleviate your nervous tension and compose your mind.
Put into your daily routine practice this distinctive breathing technique to alleviate your nervous tension and compose your mind.
Just for that soothing and calm state of mind, try this advanced pranayama that simulates the drone of a bumblebee. With brahmari you shall glide into perfect state of silence.
According to the yoga tradition, if you concentrate on the drone produced in your nasal cavity While performing brahmari focus on the drone produced in your nasal cavity which will make all kind of haphazard thoughts to fade away making the mind tranquil and calm. It’s a great way to make the transition into a deeper meditation which will help you to unwind after a long day of stressful activities.
How to practise yoga
- Close your eyes while sitting in a comfortable position. Take a deep diaphragmatic breath through the nostrils.
- At the pitch of your normal speaking voice, initiate by humming. Press the rear of the tongue in the direction of roof of your mouth.
- If the tongue presses too firmly against the soft palate, the air passage in your throat will be completely blocked; no air will escape and no sound will be produced. Notice how a slight lift of the tongue shifts the sound from your throat to the nasal chamber. The beelike drone of brahmari should be felt as a vibration in the nasal chamber.
- In this beginning stage of practice, the drone is made only during the exhalation. Allow your tongue and throat to relax as you inhale normally. As you progress, try to make the drone steady on each exhalation.
Precautionary Measures
Practice brahmari on an empty stomach for two to three minutes daily, gradually building up to five minutes, as long as you find the practice pleasant and comfortable.
To get the full benefit of the practice, sit quietly with your eyes closed after ceasing the sound. The stillness in the mind and body after brahmari is palpable. You can prolong this sense of stillness by practicing breath awareness, and then meditation.
Divine Benefits
Brahmari has a direct effect on the vishuddha chakra which is a vital center in the throat region. The humming sound centers the entire body and mind.
Just for that soothing and calm state of mind, try this advanced pranayama that simulates the drone of a bumblebee. With brahmari you shall glide into perfect state of silence.
According to the yoga tradition, if you concentrate on the drone produced in your nasal cavity While performing brahmari focus on the drone produced in your nasal cavity which will make all kind of haphazard thoughts to fade away making the mind tranquil and calm. It’s a great way to make the transition into a deeper meditation which will help you to unwind after a long day of stressful activities.
How to practise yoga
- Close your eyes while sitting in a comfortable position. Take a deep diaphragmatic breath through the nostrils.
- At the pitch of your normal speaking voice, initiate by humming. Press the rear of the tongue in the direction of roof of your mouth.
- If the tongue presses too firmly against the soft palate, the air passage in your throat will be completely blocked; no air will escape and no sound will be produced. Notice how a slight lift of the tongue shifts the sound from your throat to the nasal chamber. The beelike drone of brahmari should be felt as a vibration in the nasal chamber.
- In this beginning stage of practice, the drone is made only during the exhalation. Allow your tongue and throat to relax as you inhale normally. As you progress, try to make the drone steady on each exhalation.
Precautionary Measures
Practice brahmari on an empty stomach for two to three minutes daily, gradually building up to five minutes, as long as you find the practice pleasant and comfortable.
To get the full benefit of the practice, sit quietly with your eyes closed after ceasing the sound. The stillness in the mind and body after brahmari is palpable. You can prolong this sense of stillness by practicing breath awareness, and then meditation.
Divine Benefits
Brahmari has a direct effect on the vishuddha chakra which is a vital center in the throat region. The humming sound centers the entire body and mind.