High Glycaemic Index Foods That Diabetics Should Avoid

Most diabetics are advised to eat low-glycaemic foods, considering they may spike blood sugar levels quickly and cause various other health problems. Therefore, it is imperative for most who are susceptible to diabetes or those who already have the condition.

Most diabetics are advised to eat low-glycaemic foods, considering they may spike blood sugar levels quickly and cause various other health problems. Therefore, it is imperative for most who are susceptible to diabetes or those who already have the condition. What is glycaemic index and what is its function? We give you a sneak peek of the foods that have high glycaemic index and are supposed to be avoided as much as possible.

According to Dr. Parul Srivastava, Nutritionist and Dietician, Eldercare, "The Glycaemic index is a value assigned to foods (carbohydrate), based on how slowly or quickly they affect blood glucose levels. Carbohydrates with a low GI value (55 or less) are more slowly digested, absorbed and metabolised and cause a lower and slower rise in blood glucose. Foods with high-glycaemic index numbers make blood sugar levels as well as insulin levels spike fast and subsequent rapid return to feeling hungry." Senior Diabetes Educator, Kanika Malhotra agrees, "GI also depends on whether the food is eaten in isolation or with other foods. Consuming a food along with protein, fat, or other CHO that have a lower GI effectively lowers its GI value. Other factors that might affect a food's GI include the ripeness of fruits (under-ripe fruits have a lower GI than ripe ones) and also how food is cooked or processed."

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the rank that is used to measure high or low glycaemic includes:Low GI Foods: 55 or less

Medium GI Foods: 56-59

High GI Foods: 70 or more

How do high glycaemic foods affect blood sugar?

According to School of Public Health, Harvard University, eating high glycaemic foods tend to cause spikes in the blood sugar, which can lead to an increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes, heart disease, weight gain, et al. In some cases, it also increases the risk of breast, prostate, colorectal and pancreatic cancers.

Health experts do not suggest eliminating all high-glycaemic index foods, but you can definitely work towards an intermediate and low-glycaemic index choices. Many high glycaemic foods may be low in calories and super nutritious; for instance, watermelon is counted under a high glycaemic index food, but it is super healthy; therefore, you mustn't completely give up on such foods.


Here's a list of foods with high glycaemic index:

1. White bread8. cereals15. Potato chips22. Muesli
2. Watermelon9. Pasta16. Popcorn23. Whole wheat bread
3. Honey10. Millet17. Beer24. Juices with added sugar
4. Doughnuts11. White flour18. Liqueurs25. Baked potato
5. French fries12. Raisins19. Sugary foods26. Onions
6. Bananas13. Pineapple20. Grapes27. Soda
7. Rice14. Corn syrup21. cherries28. Puffed rice

According to the American Diabetes Association, glycaemic index tends to give only one value per food, but variations may be possible due to the following reasons: cooking methods, processing and ripeness. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor before switching or swapping foods, especially if you are a diabetic.


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