Are you one of them who start feeling hungry even after having a sufficient dinner? Relax, you are not the only one who thinks so, there are many people who go through this. But the health experts feel that such habits are bad for your health in the long run. It can also disturb your sleep, leading to serious health hazards. Here, we have tried to list 5 such food items you should avoid before bedtime, as they are complex in structure and might disturb the functioning of the internal organs. So, if you are also leading from deprived sleep, then you need to analyse your food habits that might have any of these, making it difficult for your body to relax at night.
Orange Juice: If you love to have fruits after dinner, then go for an apple. But, never drink orange juice. Orange is very acidic and can be risky if you have reflux or a sensitive bladder.
Ice Cream: Ice cream is a very high cause of fat and sugar and you won't get the scope to burn off any of these on the bed and will result in weight gain.
Alcohol: Daily consumption of alcohol, at night, might worsen your sleep and it might further lead to waking up in the middle of the night and early morning to pee.
Chips: Every processed meal like chips and cookies have a high dose of monosodium glutamate, which might result in deprived sleep.
Chocolate: If you think that only coffee/tea has caffeine, then you are totally wrong. Even chocolate is a big source of caffeine that you should avoid before going to the bed.
Orange Juice: If you love to have fruits after dinner, then go for an apple. But, never drink orange juice. Orange is very acidic and can be risky if you have reflux or a sensitive bladder.
Ice Cream: Ice cream is a very high cause of fat and sugar and you won't get the scope to burn off any of these on the bed and will result in weight gain.
Alcohol: Daily consumption of alcohol, at night, might worsen your sleep and it might further lead to waking up in the middle of the night and early morning to pee.
Chips: Every processed meal like chips and cookies have a high dose of monosodium glutamate, which might result in deprived sleep.
Chocolate: If you think that only coffee/tea has caffeine, then you are totally wrong. Even chocolate is a big source of caffeine that you should avoid before going to the bed.