The technology in today's age is advanced. Every day new inventions and discoveries are made. But no matter how advanced we humans become, there is one thing that is a subject of constant amazement to us - the human body. It is the most complex machine known to us.
Our human body is designed to carry out many functions at a time. The respiratory system, digestive system, excretory system all work together, just like any other man-made machine.
In order for the machine to work smoothly, it is important that every part of it is in good condition, especially the engine. In the human body, there are various organs which have to function properly for the human body to be in good shape. The human body is made up of many important organs such as stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas, lungs, etc.

Coriander Water
This is the easiest way in which you can include coriander in your diet. Make this water and store it in a clean place. Sip it throughout the day for a few days and notice the change in your health. This is the best remedy to keep your kidneys healthy.
-A bunch of fresh coriander leaves
-2 glasses of water
1) Boil the water and add the coriander leaves to it.
2) Boil it for 15 minutes and remove it from a fire.
3) Strain the water and store in a clean bottle.
4) Sip this coriander water throughout the day.

Lemon-coriander Soup
This is a tasty way of including coriander in your diet. This healthy and nutritious soup is easy to prepare and is a healthy food for the pancreas.
-1 bunch of fresh coriander leaves
-1/2 cup coconut milk
-1/2 tablespoon cornflour
-1 teaspoon cream
-a pinch of pepper powder
-A pinch of salt
-Half a lemon
1) Make a coriander puree by boiling the leaves in 1 cup of water for 15 minutes and blending everything. 2) Add this puree to a cup of water.
3) Make a paste of cornflour and add it to the above mixture.
4) Add the cream and pepper powder.
5) Add salt to taste and squeeze the lemon into the soup. Enjoy your hot and delicious coriander soup.
Our human body is designed to carry out many functions at a time. The respiratory system, digestive system, excretory system all work together, just like any other man-made machine.
In order for the machine to work smoothly, it is important that every part of it is in good condition, especially the engine. In the human body, there are various organs which have to function properly for the human body to be in good shape. The human body is made up of many important organs such as stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas, lungs, etc.

Coriander Water
This is the easiest way in which you can include coriander in your diet. Make this water and store it in a clean place. Sip it throughout the day for a few days and notice the change in your health. This is the best remedy to keep your kidneys healthy.
-A bunch of fresh coriander leaves
-2 glasses of water
1) Boil the water and add the coriander leaves to it.
2) Boil it for 15 minutes and remove it from a fire.
3) Strain the water and store in a clean bottle.
4) Sip this coriander water throughout the day.

Lemon-coriander Soup
This is a tasty way of including coriander in your diet. This healthy and nutritious soup is easy to prepare and is a healthy food for the pancreas.
-1 bunch of fresh coriander leaves
-1/2 cup coconut milk
-1/2 tablespoon cornflour
-1 teaspoon cream
-a pinch of pepper powder
-A pinch of salt
-Half a lemon
1) Make a coriander puree by boiling the leaves in 1 cup of water for 15 minutes and blending everything. 2) Add this puree to a cup of water.
3) Make a paste of cornflour and add it to the above mixture.
4) Add the cream and pepper powder.
5) Add salt to taste and squeeze the lemon into the soup. Enjoy your hot and delicious coriander soup.