Breast Cancer awareness for Teens

Acne, pimple, oily face, dry hair, these are some of the major catastrophes in a young woman or a teenager's life. Though the chances of developing breast cancer are very minimal in younger women, it is not unheard of. It can occur at any age. Hence, it is crucial to educate your daughter about the risk factors for breast cancer and the precautionary measures that can be taken to keep it at bay.

Causes and Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

A risk factor is an attribute, which increases the chances of a person developing a disease condition but it does not necessarily mean that the person will develop the disease. There are some risk factors that we cannot do anything about. For example:

•Age and Height - Women aged > 50 years or attaining menarche before the age of 12 years are independent risk factors associated with age and are mainly due to oestrogen exposure. Women taller than average height is another risk factor, though the reason for the same is not known precisely.

•Family History - Having close relatives or family members with either breast or ovarian cancer also increases the cancer risk. Breast cancer is not compulsorily hereditary, but carrying particular genes associated with breast cancer such as BRAC1, BRAC2 or TP53 increases the risk factors.

•Previous Diagnosis of Cancer - If you are already diagnosed with breast cancer once or had noninvasive cancer cells in your breast, it increases your chances of developing the same again.

•Benign Breast Lump - Having a breast lump does not mean it is cancerous, but having certain kind of lump increases the risk of having cancer.

Let us look at those risk factors, which are under individual's control. Create an awareness regarding the same among teenagers, so as to equip them with the know-how of breast cancer.

•Unhealthy Lifestyle - The kind of lifestyle we lead has a direct bearing on the disease we are likely to contract. Obesity is one of the major risk factors for all diseases, let alone cancer. Overweight increases oestrogen the produced in our body, which is a risk factor for cancer.

The consumption of processed and junk food is very high among teenage girls. Consuming fast food, red meat, fatty food, smoking, alcohol, etc., add to the risk factors. Educate them about the lifestyle modifications by imbibing healthy eating and drinking habits and also exercising on a regular basis to reduce cancer risk. Regular sleep at night is also essential as late nights disrupt the daily recuperation of the body. Exposing to light at night interferes with melatonin production which is known to protect against breast cancer.

•Personal Care Products - Young adults are so fascinated and seduced by the different beauty care products available in the market, that they do not stop to think before using them. Some of these contain oestrogenic products and are mostly found in commodities like soap, shampoo, deodorants, creams, acne or pimple treatment creams, vaginal douches etc. Although these are meant for external use, they can get absorbed into the body through the skin. Educate and help them in choosing the right products, which are free from oestrogenic compounds.

•Herbal Supplements & Products - Using herbal supplements or birth control pills to regulate menstrual cycle is found to increase the risk of breast cancer. This increased risk is most predominant in teenagers who owing to the unhealthy practices, suffer from hormonal imbalances, which in turn affects their menstruation. Closely monitor and be involved in your daughter's menstrual care and even if supplements need to be taken, limit their usage.

•Weight Loss Products - Most of the teenagers are very weight conscious. In the name of losing weight, they follow many fad diets and take weight loss supplements, which are detrimental to their health. Fad diets (which usually encourage starving) are not only useless in weight loss but in fact, the weight shoots up once the normal diet is resumed. Also, it reduces the growth factor and oestrogen levels which later shoot up increasing the breast cancer risk. Some of the protein bars or soy-based protein powders contain highly processed oestrogen compound in them. You need to discourage the use of such supplements and emphasize more on a well-balanced diet and exercise regime and do a very careful screening of the supplements being taken if at all needed.

•Breast Self-Exam - Create an awareness in your daughter about her breasts. Teach her to be familiar with her breasts and also demonstrate and educate her on breast self-exam and encourage her to do it every month. This awareness will enable her to bring to your notice any changes or irregularity in her breasts.

Direct your daughter towards books and websites, which give more information about breast cancer to enhance her knowledge. Do keep in mind that the method adopted by you to educate your daughter about breast cancer should raise her awareness without raising her fear. Make her realize that taking care of her breasts is as important as brushing or taking a bath every day.

Lead by example!

Your daughter looks up to you as her role model and will automatically imitate you, hence if you are taking care, she will follow too.


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