The 13th Mega Vaccine Camp at Covid-19 will be held at 261 centers in Coimbatore Corporation area on December 4 from 9 am to 5 pm.
Coimbatore: "According to the order of the Government of Tamil Nadu, the 13th Mega Vaccine Camp is to be held at 261 centers in the Corporation area of Coimbatore on November 19 from 9 am to 5 pm," stated Raja Gopal Sunkara, Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Commissioner and Special Officer.
"Over 94 percent of the Corporation areas in Coimbatore have been vaccinated in the first phase of the Mega Vaccine Camps. But 1,20,000 persons over the age of 18 years in the Corporation areas of Coimbatore have not been vaccinated even with the first dose.
In the 13th Mega Covid camp, 2,43,000 people are eligible for the second dose of vaccination. After the first dose of Covishield, those who have completed 84 days and those who have completed 28 days after first dose of Covaxin are eligible to participate in the camp.
The Public Health Department has announced that only those who have completed the first dose and are awaiting the second dose of the vaccine, and those who have had two doses of vaccines will be allowed in public places, such as theaters and malls.
In the light of the new variant Omicron which was found in South Africa to be highly virulent and rapidly spreading, foreign travellers have been asked to undergo RT-PCR testing at the airport and be isolated in their homes for 14 days.
Raja Gopal Sunkara, Corporation Commissioner and Special Officer stated that all those who have not been vaccinated with the first dose and those who are eligible for the second dose of the vaccination should attend the camp to get 100 per cent protection to protect themselves completely from the virus.
"Over 94 percent of the Corporation areas in Coimbatore have been vaccinated in the first phase of the Mega Vaccine Camps. But 1,20,000 persons over the age of 18 years in the Corporation areas of Coimbatore have not been vaccinated even with the first dose.
In the 13th Mega Covid camp, 2,43,000 people are eligible for the second dose of vaccination. After the first dose of Covishield, those who have completed 84 days and those who have completed 28 days after first dose of Covaxin are eligible to participate in the camp.
The Public Health Department has announced that only those who have completed the first dose and are awaiting the second dose of the vaccine, and those who have had two doses of vaccines will be allowed in public places, such as theaters and malls.
In the light of the new variant Omicron which was found in South Africa to be highly virulent and rapidly spreading, foreign travellers have been asked to undergo RT-PCR testing at the airport and be isolated in their homes for 14 days.
Raja Gopal Sunkara, Corporation Commissioner and Special Officer stated that all those who have not been vaccinated with the first dose and those who are eligible for the second dose of the vaccination should attend the camp to get 100 per cent protection to protect themselves completely from the virus.