People no longer have to wait at police stations, crime branch is responsible for investigating complaints: Tamil Nadu Government
Coimbatore: The public goes to the respective area police stations to lodge their complaints and there is a situation where the sub-inspector, inspector and writer are on patrol.
Moving forward, complaints of the people will be received at the police station immediately and the crime branch police will conduct a full investigation and take immediate action. Law and order and traffic police will be fully involved in the safety of the people and the prevention of crime.
The government has issued an action order to the Tamil Nadu Police. One of the major revolutionary changes in the separate police force to investigate all criminal cases is now in force in Tamil Nadu by order of the Supreme Court. The new system of investigating specific crimes in its designated criminal division, which is created for all criminal cases, came into force.
There are three divisions in the police that deal directly with the public: the Crime Division (CRIME), the Law and Order (L&O), and the Transport (TRAFFIC). The public will come with a variety of complaints such as murder, robbery, theft, assault, attempted murder, sexual harassment, violence. Of these, only theft-related offenses are investigated by the crime branch.
Other cases of murder, assault, attempted murder, sexual assualt, crimes against women, missing cases are investigated by the law and order police, but the most important job for the law and order police is security work. Traffic related cases and accident cases are investigated by the traffic police.
The public is most involved with the criminal and law enforcement. In all stations there is a complaint that the public is being harassed while reporting to the police by making them go to and fro several times. When police are deployed for security work it delays the proceeding of the case and the public are made to wait long for justice.
The biggest change is currently under the Supreme Court's guidance to bring about reform. DGP has sent the order to all Commissioners of Police, IGs and SPs. According to the Supreme Court guidelines, all cases registered at the Tamil Nadu Police Station will now be investigated by the Crime Division (Investigation Wing) and prosecuted and convicted.
They are the only ones who will handle all the cases. They will only be involved in investigating cases, finding the culprits, prosecuting and convicting. They will never be sent on security duty and it is up to the Commissioner of Police and the Zonal IGs to decide.
Law and order police will no longer investigate non-theft criminal cases that have been investigated so far. They are for security purposes only. It has been ordered that all criminal cases will now be investigated only by the criminal police. It also gives a list of how many policemen there should be in each station. Accordingly, in big cities like Chennai, a police station will have 90 people, including a law and order inspector, and 30 people, including a crime branch inspector.
A police station in the cities will have 76 policemen for law and order and 24 policemen for crime. The largest stations alone will have 54 law enforcement officers and the crime division 26, while the medium stations will have 34 police for law and order and 16 police for crime.
At stations in small towns there will be 20 policemen for law and order and 10 policemen for crime, headed by sub-inspectors. Law and order police should only do security work. No small or large cases can be investigated or prosecuted, and even cases discovered by them can only be prosecuted by the Crime Branch police. Similar intelligence and law and order units are to be set up in all police stations across Tamil Nadu.
He will also be assigned the task of finding the missing persons with the Crime Branch Chief Constable. He will be notified as the missing persons liaison officer MPLO. He (HC or SSI) will hold the rank of Commander-in-Chief or Special Assistant Inspector. He should only be given that task to find those who are missing at their border.
If this new system comes into force, the police will be exempted from the great crisis. The criminal investigation unit guards are tasked with registering complaints, inquiring, prosecuting (FIR), arresting and remanding criminals, court procedures, preparing witnesses, and convicting. They can operate without any interruption in such tasks, increasing convictions in criminal cases. The law and order police will also be able to look after the security with any hindrance.