Trains departing and arriving at Coimbatore junction to take an alternate route ahead maintenance works near Coimbatore.
Coimbatore: Trains departing and arriving at Coimbatore junction to take an alternate route ahead maintenance works near Coimbatore.
In an announcement made by the Salem Railway Division it was said that "Maintenance works are currently undertaken at the track between Coimbatore Junction and Coimbatore North on April 8th (today), 10th, 12th, 14th and 17th. Due to this Alappuzha - Dhanbad, Ernakulam - Bengaluru intercity express will go via Podanur railway station instead of arriving at Coimbatore junction."
In an announcement made by the Salem Railway Division it was said that "Maintenance works are currently undertaken at the track between Coimbatore Junction and Coimbatore North on April 8th (today), 10th, 12th, 14th and 17th. Due to this Alappuzha - Dhanbad, Ernakulam - Bengaluru intercity express will go via Podanur railway station instead of arriving at Coimbatore junction."