Deputy commissioner of employment service advices members of the registered workers union to register their details online to receive government welfare benifits.
Coimbatore: Deputy commissioner of employment service said that to use government welfare schemes one should enroll themselves online.
During his address Deputy commissioner of employement service said that, "Under the Tamilnadu employment services department there are over 17 employee unions like Tamilnadu builders welfare union, physical workers welfare union and driver's welfare union."
Inorder for the workers under these welfare unions to receive the government provided welfare schemes it is been made mandatory to upload the required details and documents online at the government website
Post uploading the required details a text message will be sent to the registered mobile number for verification. Following that the uploaded documents will be verified and if all the uploading forms are completed a permanent registration number will be given after the final approval of the concerned officer.
He also said that the permanent registration number along with the password will be sent as a text message to the registered phone number and that the members can also download the acknowledgement form online.