Special trains and express trains to be operated only on reservation: Only few passenger trains allowed to operate without reservation
Coimbatore: It has been reported that all the Special and Express trains, including the festival trains, will be operated only on reservation basis. This explanation was given following reports in some media that unreserved tickets would also be allowed.
Until further notice, special express trains, including festive special trains, will now run on second-class compartments only on a reservation basis. It has been reported that the zonal railways have been directed to issue unreserved passenger tickets only to passenger trains running in the suburbs and in a limited number of zones.
Until further notice, special express trains, including festive special trains, will now run on second-class compartments only on a reservation basis. It has been reported that the zonal railways have been directed to issue unreserved passenger tickets only to passenger trains running in the suburbs and in a limited number of zones.