The Chief Minister took part in a video conference meeting with the PM that was held on May 11. TN government requested not to permit train service up to May 31 in TN.
Chennai: The Tamilnadu Chief Minister took part in a video conference meeting with the PM that was held on May 11.
Addressing the meeting he thanked the Central Government for their guidance and support in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. Further he said , "TN has conducted 14 SDMA meetings. A Task Force headed by the Chief Secretary and 12 teams headed by senior IAS officers are continuously recommending various steps to arrest the spread of Coronavirus. 12 Zonal teams appointed exclusively for contact tracing and other measures are providing all support to the District Collectors. Interactions have been held with the Collectors and SPs on a weekly basis through video conference."
Further, he said, "While lockdown is being implemented strictly in the State, the government has allowed MGNREGS works, construction activities, irrigation and conservation work in safe rural areas alone. I request you, to allow payment of wages to the MGNREGS workers by cash at the village itself by the Panchayat clerks which will help the poor during this lockdown period. This will prevent over-crowding at Banks. The government has also permitted industries and shops in all safe zones."
Apprising the states decision to reopen certain industries he said, "As per the relaxation announced by Government of India, certain Industries were allowed to function with 33% staff strength after taking other precautions. Textiles and Leather industries involved in export were permitted with minimum staff for producing samples. to be sent to the Buyers located abroad. As on May 10, 2,43,037 samples have been tested and 7,204 persons were found positive.
Presently, 59,610 contact and suspected persons are under active quarantine. Effective medical treatment in Tamil Nadu has ensured that the death rate is only 0.67% and 1,959 patients have been discharged which works out to a 27% discharge rate. So far, the State has been maintaining the lowest death rate in India."
Talking about the state's efficiency in handling the cases, he said, "Presently, the State has 37 Government and 16 private labs for COVID testing with a testing capacity of 13,000 tests per day and I am informed that maximum tests are being done by Tamil Nadu. The State is continuing the strategy of aggressive targeted testing and requests the Government of India to supply more number of PCR testing kits."
Briefing regarding the containment plan he said, "As per the containment plan, effective door to door surveillance is being done daily in the containment zones and disinfection done twice. Disinfection of all public places is being done regularly. The government is taking all possible steps to contain the spread of the virus."
Talking about various other measures he informed, "Based on Ayush guidelines the TN government has issued orders to use Indian Medicines to boost immunity. Kaba Sura Kudineer is distributed free of cost to all, in the containment zones. Front line workers are being given Zinc and Multivitamin tablets, in addition to prophylactic Hydroxy Chloroquine as per medical advice. 29,000 beds in the notified 123 Government and 169 private hospitals across the State are ready to provide treatment for the COVID infected people.
"All the 2.02 crore ration card holders have not only been provided essential ration supply like Rice, Dal, Cooking Oil, Sugar and other supplies for the month of April but also are being supplied for the month of May and will be supplied for the month of June, as well, free of cost. An additional Rs.1,000 is being given to all the 35.65 lakh unorganized labourers for the second time. 2.56 lakh of migrant labourers have been provided with free ration. 1.71 lakh labourers are provided with cooked food, on a daily basis", he informed.
"As per the guidelines of Government of India, so far TN has sent back nearly 13,284 people consisting of migrant labours, people who came for treatment etc., in 12 trains. The government has also planned to send willing migrant labours and others in 61 trains from May 11 to May 17 based on the consent of the recipient States. The government requests the Chief Ministers concerned to give their consent early", he said.
"As on date, TN has received four flights and one ship under Vande Bharat and Samudra Setu Missions. Around 900 passengers have been quarantined in various institutions and tested as per Standard Procedures (SOP’s)", he informed.
Further he said, "The TN government has given a special incentive package including capital subsidy, interest subvention etc. to promote manufacturing of COVID 19 related medical equipment and drugs in Tamil Nadu. At present, 50 such companies have started their production."
"Agriculture activities, Cement, Paper, Rice, Sugar, Cooking Oil and all types of Food processing industries are allowed to function continuously throughout the State. On a daily basis 134 farmer’s markets and 9,200 mobile vehicles distribute around 5,700 MT of vegetables and fruits, throughout the State. In order to double farmer’s income, we request the center to provide transport subsidy to the Farmer Producers Organisations, so as to take the farmers produce directly to the consumers", he requested.
He requested the center to not begin regular Air services till May 31,2020. He stated, "We know from Press that regular train service to Chennai and from Chennai will commence from May 12 . As the positive cases in Chennai are showing an increasing trend, the TN government requested not to permit train service up to May 31 in TN."
The CM also placed certain requests to the Central Government . He said, "We would like to bring to your kind attention that the earlier release of 312 crore rupees under NHM have been utilized fully and we have submitted Utilisation Certificate to enable release of 2™ instalment. Further, as per our earlier request for release of Rs.2,000 crore as Special Grant to enhance available medical equipment in the State, which was emphasised during our earlier Video Conference and letters may be sanctioned and released to the State immediately.
Additional borrowing of 33% above the permitted level for fiscal year 2019-20, may be allowed for 2020-21. The pending GST compensation amount may be released now.
50 percent of the 2020-21 Finance Commission grants to the Urban and Rural Local bodies may be released now. Moreover no cuts Should be made in devolution to States from the Central Budget estimates 2020-21."
He also requested, "Provide an ad-hoc grant of 1,000 crore rupees from NDRF immediately to procure medical, protective materials and for the movement of migrant labourers, the cost which has been borne entirely by the State Government.
The Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund may be made eligible to receive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) contribution under Schedule-III of the Companies Act, 2013."
He further requested the center to provide an additional allocation of food grains free of cost for all card holders, including the NPHH beneficiaries, under PMGKAY Scheme.
CMR (Custom Milled Rice) subsidy of Rupees 1,321 crore may be released early, to facilitate paddy procurement.
The CM also requested the center to announce a relief package to ease the immediate burden on the power sector, which will help distressed Discoms.
The CM finally stated, "Tamil Nadu has a large number of MSME units with maximum labourers.The government therefore requests that the annual credit plan target for lending to MSME’s in Tamil Nadu should be enhanced to Rs.1,25,000 crore for 2020-21. A credit restructuring package may also be provided so that they do not have repayment obligations till 31°" December, 2020. Fresh working capital assistance should be extended to the MSME units. A refinancing support of Rs.2,500 crore should be provided to the Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation through SIDBI and Commercial Banks to extend support to MSME."