Tribal farmers get hands-on training on nematode management

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) joined hands with the All India Coordinated Research Project on nematodes (AICRP-N), New Delhi and recently organizes a one-day training on nematode management in vegetables and pulses for tribal farmers of Sadivayal, Poorathi area in Coimbatore.

Dr. K. Ramaraju, Director, Centre for Plant Protection Studies (CPPS), TNAU, emphasized the significance of using bio-pesticides for the management of nematodes and necessity of reduce the usage of chemical nematicides.

Dr. P. Kalaiarasan and Dr. N. Swarnakumari, Assistant Professors explained about identification of nematode damage symptoms in crop plants and also how to use the biopesticides for the management of plant parasitic nematodes. They also demonstrated to the tribal farmers plant parasitic nematodes through microscope.

Dr. S. Subramanian, Professor, and Head, Department. of Nematology, TNAU, spoke about importance of plant parasitic nematode in vegetables and pulses and their yield losses.

Dr. Raman K. Walia, Project Coordinator (AICRP-N), ICAR, New Delhi explained about the tribal sub plan scheme and emphasized to utilise the Agricultural inputs supplied to them, effectively to manage the nematode in crop plants and enhance the livelihood of the tribal farmers.

Farmers who participated in this workshop were given biopesticides, biofertilisers, micronutrients and farm tools under Tribal Sub Plan scheme of AICRP on nematodes, ICAR, New Delhi. 


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