Tomato prices were sold at Rs 200 per kg a few months ago. Now that the price of tomatoes has fallen drastically due to the increase in stock, the farmers in and around Udumalpet are dumping the tomatoes on the roads.
Tirupur: Farmers near Udumalpet are dumping their tomatoes on the roads as tomato prices have fallen drastically.
Tomato cultivation is predominant in Udumalpet area of Tirupur district. This year, farmers have not taken up cultivation due to summer rains and south-west monsoon.
A few months ago, a 14-kg box of tomatoes was sold for Rs 2,400.
Now, due to the increase in inflow, the prices have fallen drastically. Tomato farmers are worried as a 14-kg box of tomatoes has been auctioned at a minimum price of Rs 50 and a maximum price of less than Rs 200 at the Udumalpet market.
The farmers said, due to the impact of the sun and the fall in prices, the affected farmers are now forced to dump the tomatoes on the road.
As tomato cultivation is predominant in Udumalpet, the Government of Tamil Nadu should take steps to set up a chilled godown and a plant to produce products from tomato fruits in the area. This is what the farmers said.