The globally renowned Agri Intex Agriculture Exhibition kicked off on Friday at the Codissia premises in Coimbatore. The four-day exhibition showcases the latest technologies in the field of agriculture, both at home and abroad.
Coimbatore: The globally renowned Agri Intex Agriculture Exhibition began at the Codissia campus in Coimbatore.

The Agri Indtex 2023 Agriculture Expo, one of India's premier agri-business fairs, kicked off on Friday at the Codissia campus in Coimbatore.

The 21st Agriculture Fair will feature stalls dedicated to bringing about changes in Indian agriculture through precision farming and micro-irrigation.

The exhibition is being attended by latest technology-driven agro-based companies from Korea, Israel, Japan, Sweden, France and various states of India, including Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.

The exhibition will feature more than 450 stalls, including modern drone equipment, automation, solar pumps, micro-irrigation, precision farming, farm mechanisation, low water use farming methods, Value addition and animal husbandry automated methods, composite value products, post-harvest technology, agriculture market, and a variety of agro-based products, including agricultural machinery, equipment, irrigation implements, animal husbandry, fences, weighing machines, pumps, fertilizers, seeds, etc.

Agriculture experts, food processing industries, input, seed producers, investors, distributors, researchers, bankers, farmers, the general public and many others from across the country will be participating in the four-day agriculture expo.
The Agri Indtex 2023 Agriculture Expo, one of India's premier agri-business fairs, kicked off on Friday at the Codissia campus in Coimbatore.
The 21st Agriculture Fair will feature stalls dedicated to bringing about changes in Indian agriculture through precision farming and micro-irrigation.
The exhibition is being attended by latest technology-driven agro-based companies from Korea, Israel, Japan, Sweden, France and various states of India, including Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.
The exhibition will feature more than 450 stalls, including modern drone equipment, automation, solar pumps, micro-irrigation, precision farming, farm mechanisation, low water use farming methods, Value addition and animal husbandry automated methods, composite value products, post-harvest technology, agriculture market, and a variety of agro-based products, including agricultural machinery, equipment, irrigation implements, animal husbandry, fences, weighing machines, pumps, fertilizers, seeds, etc.
Agriculture experts, food processing industries, input, seed producers, investors, distributors, researchers, bankers, farmers, the general public and many others from across the country will be participating in the four-day agriculture expo.