TNAU conducted an awareness campaign on 'Diagnosis and Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Plantation Crops'

The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) held an awareness campaign on “Diagnosis and Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Plantation Crops” to educate locals about the effects of plant parasitic nematodes on their crops. This campaign was held on 27th June 2023 at Jackanarai tribal village was funded by AICRP (N), ICAR, New Delhi through the Tribal Sub-plan scheme.

The Nilgiris: An awareness campaign on “Diagnosis and Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Plantation Crops” was conducted on 27.06.2023 at Jackanarai tribal village, Kunjapanai hamlet, Kotagiri Taluk, Nilgiris District.

The training was conducted under Tribal Sub-plan scheme funded by AICRP (N), ICAR, New Delhi.

Around 50 farmers participated in the campaign.

These farmers belong to the Irular tribe. They cultivate plantation crops such as Tea, Coffee and Pepper. The campaign was organized to educate the tribal farmers on yield losses caused by nematode infestation by showing live specimens and management techniques to overcome the problem.

Bagalan, Panchayat Head, welcomed everyone and explained the crops farmed in the village as well as the necessary inputs. The activities of Tribal Sub-plan, AICRP (N), ICAR, New Delhi and role of ICAR in uplifting the livelihood of tribal farmers were detailed by Dr.A.Shanthi, Professor and Head, Department of Nematology, TNAU, Coimbatore.

Dr.N. Swarnakumari, Associate Professor, explained the benefits and application methods of bioagents. Nematode management methods were dealt in detail by Dr. S. Prabhu, Associate Professor. One power sprayer was handed over to the panchayat head for common usage.

Farm tool, spade and bioagents viz., Pochonia chlamydosporia and Trichoderma asperellum were also distributed to farmers.

Burman, a progressive tribal farmer who helped us in mobilising participants and successfully organising the campaign, concluded the meeting with a vote of thanks. Financial assistance has been provided by the Project Coordinator, AICRP (N), ICAR, New Delhi, as well as administrative assistance provided by Dr. M. Shanthi, Director, Centre for Plant Protection Studies, TNAU, and Dr. A. Shanthi, Professor and Head, Department of Nematology, Coimbatore.


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