TNAU Coimbatore Oilseed Price Prediction

The Price Forecasting Scheme crew has examined groundnut prices from the previous 12 years in the Tindivanam Regulated Market. The analysis and market survey findings indicate that the farm gate price for high quality groundnuts during harvest (May 2023) will be between Rs. 75 and Rs. 80 per kg.

Coimbatore: Market advice for oilseeds has been created by the Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, which is funded by the TN-IAM Project.

1. The groundnut

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare's Second Advance Estimates (2022-23) state that 85.82 lakh tonnes of groundnuts were produced on roughly 60.15 lakh hectares of groundnut-producing land. Gujarat (45%), Rajasthan (18%), Tamil Nadu (9%), Madhya Pradesh (6%), Andhra Pradesh (6%), and Karnataka (5%), are the states that produce the most groundnuts. Together, the aforementioned states make close to 89% of India's total production of groundnuts.

An estimated 9.49 lakh tonnes of groundnuts are produced annually in Tamil Nadu, one of the nation's main producing states. The principal developing regions in Tamil Nadu are Tiruvannamalai, Villupuram, Vellore, Kanchipuram, Thiruvallur, Cuddalore, Namakkal, Krishnagiri, Salem, and Dharmapuri.

The Price Forecasting Scheme crew has examined groundnut prices from the previous 12 years in the Tindivanam Regulated Market. The analysis and market survey findings indicate that the farm gate price for high quality groundnuts during harvest (May 2023) will be between Rs. 75 and Rs. 80 per kg. Depending on when the summer irrigated crop arrives, the price may vary. Farmers are therefore advised to make their selling choice in accordance.

2. Sesame

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare's Second Estimate (2022-23) states that 7.49 lakh tonnes of sesame are produced on approximately 17.23 lakh hectares of land that is planted with the crop. India's Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu are the top sesame-producing regions.

It is typically grown in Tamil Nadu on an area of 0.52 lakh hectares with an output of 0.34 lakh tonnes. Sesame is primarily produced in the following seasons: Chithiraipattam, Aadipattam, Karthigaipattam, and Masipattam in the districts of Villupuram, Erode, Thanjavur, Karur, Salem, and Cuddalore.

Black gingelly types are primarily used in confectioneries, while red gingelly varieties are used for oil purposes. The primary use of white ginseng is for sale. India is the world's biggest exporter of sesame seeds, sending the majority of its product to the United States, Vietnam, South Korea, and the Netherlands. The steady demand for sesame seeds and sesame-related goods is a result of the growing popularity of healthy food.

The price forecasting squad looked at the sesame prices over the previous 12 years in the Sivagiri Regulated Market in the Erode district. The farm gate price for high quality sesame during harvest (May 23) would be Rs. 120–125 per kg, according to the findings of the time series analysis. Therefore, producers are urged to make wise selling decisions.

For details contact

1) Domestic and Export Market Intelligence Cell

Centre for Agricultural and Rural development Studies

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Coimbatore - 641 003.

Phone No: 0422-2431405

2) The Director and TN-IAMP Nodal Officer

Water Technology Centre

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Coimbatore - 641 003.

Phone: 0422-6611278

3) For technical details, contact

Professor and Head

Department of Oil Seeds

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Coimbatore - 641 003.

Phone No: 0422-2450812


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