In spite of the long eventful drive yesterday, Team XPD Asia were all set to leave on Day 45 at 8 am, after a sumptuous breakfast at the hotel. Being a vegan, Meenakshi heaved a sigh of relief because she could actually eat something at the hotel. On the way out of Krasnoyarsk, the team stopped at the Revolution Square for yet another picture of Lenin.
In spite of the long eventful drive yesterday, Team XPD Asia were all set to leave on Day 45 at 8 am, after a sumptuous breakfast at the hotel. Being a vegan, Meenakshi heaved a sigh of relief because she could actually eat something at the hotel.

On the way out of Krasnoyarsk, the team stopped at the Revolution Square for yet another picture of Lenin.

The drive from Krasnoyarsk to Kemerovo was uneventful, and the team stopped for lunch at a tiny cafe. Not being able to find anything vegetarian, Meenakshi had to make do with the Tamarind Rice and pickle from her dehydrated food stash. "I have been steadily depleting my food supply, but I think I can manage until the end of this drive," says Meenakshi.

The team reached Kemerovo by 7 pm with the day's drive on Highway 255/M 53, Novosibirsk - Irkutsk Highway ( Part of AH 6). The team felt that there was a little more traffic on the road than all the days thus far.
Kemerovo is another unremarkable industrial city and a major coal-mining region of the Kuznetsk Basin. The team noted that most of the cities that they had stayed in, had a river flowing through.

Kemerovo had the Tom River while Krasnoyarsk had the Yenisei River.