*Vastu for entrance: The south-west door brings in debts, loans and financial problems. A north vastu entrance brings good career opportunities and money. The east vastu entrance brings peace. The west entrance brings in wealth and prosperity. The south entrance is also a beneficial one.
*The west south-west is the zone of savings: Keep this clean and use as a place for studies. Keep money and valuables in an iron safe in this area— this will ensure your wealth remains safe.
*Avoid red shade for kitchen and toilet: Also, don't place a dustbin, broom, washing machine, mixer-grinder here. The kitchen represents fire and with wrong placements, you'll end up diluting money, opportunities and career.
*North west for wealth: The north-west vastu zone is the one which gets you support (financial) of banks and relevant persons in your ventures.
*Money plant for better career opportunities: Keep a money plant in a green vase, or hang a scenery showing a lush field or thick forest in north zone. These will attract money and better career opportunities.
*A beautiful entrance brings happiness and prosperity, and helps in appreciation of an individual's value in the society. If it is a sloppy and unkempt one, troubles will hound you.
*The west south-west is the zone of savings: Keep this clean and use as a place for studies. Keep money and valuables in an iron safe in this area— this will ensure your wealth remains safe.
*Avoid red shade for kitchen and toilet: Also, don't place a dustbin, broom, washing machine, mixer-grinder here. The kitchen represents fire and with wrong placements, you'll end up diluting money, opportunities and career.
*North west for wealth: The north-west vastu zone is the one which gets you support (financial) of banks and relevant persons in your ventures.
*Money plant for better career opportunities: Keep a money plant in a green vase, or hang a scenery showing a lush field or thick forest in north zone. These will attract money and better career opportunities.
*A beautiful entrance brings happiness and prosperity, and helps in appreciation of an individual's value in the society. If it is a sloppy and unkempt one, troubles will hound you.