Have you been gymming or working out for a while. The best way to trust and know your strength is by putting yourself through a vigorous physical test which will determine whether your body has reached the level you wish it to achieve. Having said that, you need to also understand where your body stands in order to push it further and be at its fittest best. Please remember that these tests are for those who are into regular weight lifting and NOT for beginners. Here are five tests that will determine your strength like no other
Sprinting: Even though many consider this to be an old-world workout, sprinting is the best way to know whether you really are fit. All you need is a treadmill and sprint on it for 30 seconds with breaks of one minute each. You need to do this for 20 minutes to know where your body stands. You can do this even without a treadmill and be ready to test your strength like no other.
Kettlebells: Get a kettlebell which weighs as much as you do and walk for 15 metres. The real challenge will come when you start to lose grip. If you are doing this for the first time, be prepared to lose this grip miserably!
Squats: Doing gym squats may sound super easy and you may be thinking this is a piece of cake. But here’s the twist: You need to get under the bar, load the bar with weights that weigh as much as you do and do 50 squats. You can divide them in sets.
Deadlifts: In 30 minutes, you need to do as many deadlifts as possible. But these deadlifts should be twice your weight. Push yourself as much as you can.
Bench Press: Again, your bench press should be equal to your bodyweight and you need to complete 3 sets of 3 reps.
Sprinting: Even though many consider this to be an old-world workout, sprinting is the best way to know whether you really are fit. All you need is a treadmill and sprint on it for 30 seconds with breaks of one minute each. You need to do this for 20 minutes to know where your body stands. You can do this even without a treadmill and be ready to test your strength like no other.
Kettlebells: Get a kettlebell which weighs as much as you do and walk for 15 metres. The real challenge will come when you start to lose grip. If you are doing this for the first time, be prepared to lose this grip miserably!
Squats: Doing gym squats may sound super easy and you may be thinking this is a piece of cake. But here’s the twist: You need to get under the bar, load the bar with weights that weigh as much as you do and do 50 squats. You can divide them in sets.
Deadlifts: In 30 minutes, you need to do as many deadlifts as possible. But these deadlifts should be twice your weight. Push yourself as much as you can.
Bench Press: Again, your bench press should be equal to your bodyweight and you need to complete 3 sets of 3 reps.