Are you ready for an 'interiors renaissance' from India? How about some khadi curtains and swadeshi bed covers for the lounge? After celebrating the success of 'Make in India' in fashion and food, the world is now falling for khadi for their homes. In fact, khadi rugs have become a hot favourite in Europe, and khadi throws keep you ultra warm in winter.
Earthy appeal
Being an eco-friendly fabric, khadi in your home adds a sense of warmth and well-being. Take your pick from khadi gamchha and mats to khadi pillows and bags. Design director Mann Singh showcased khadi sofas at Milan design fair to a great response. Says Singh, "We didn't showcase exotic materials. We visited our neighbouring villages, met some weavers and asked them about a fabric which has an Indian touch. And what did they come up with? Khadi!"
As the world moves towards ethical shopping, khadi is turning out to be the most sustainable yet fashionable buy.
Earthy appeal
Being an eco-friendly fabric, khadi in your home adds a sense of warmth and well-being. Take your pick from khadi gamchha and mats to khadi pillows and bags. Design director Mann Singh showcased khadi sofas at Milan design fair to a great response. Says Singh, "We didn't showcase exotic materials. We visited our neighbouring villages, met some weavers and asked them about a fabric which has an Indian touch. And what did they come up with? Khadi!"
As the world moves towards ethical shopping, khadi is turning out to be the most sustainable yet fashionable buy.