Wallpapers look good and are easy to put up on the walls too. However, removing them sounds difficult unless it is a removable wallpaper. The wallpaper is attached to the wall with a wheat-based non-toxic adhesive. The entire process of removing it is delicate and difficult. If you are stuck with a wall paper that is not removable, then try these techniques.
* Use proper solvents which are easily available in the market today. These are chemical based and you need to spray them and then gently peel away the wallpaper.
* Try using warm water on the wallpaper which is the cheapest form of removing it.
* Use a steamer to apply steam on the wallpaper.
* Use a electrically powered wallpaper removal tool.
* Before using any of the above tools perforate the wallpaper with a sharp instrument.
* Remember when you spray water on the wallpaper you are also risking damaging the wall..
* Use proper solvents which are easily available in the market today. These are chemical based and you need to spray them and then gently peel away the wallpaper.
* Try using warm water on the wallpaper which is the cheapest form of removing it.
* Use a steamer to apply steam on the wallpaper.
* Use a electrically powered wallpaper removal tool.
* Before using any of the above tools perforate the wallpaper with a sharp instrument.
* Remember when you spray water on the wallpaper you are also risking damaging the wall..