Durga Puja is not just about styling; it is also about staying comfortable. For Bengalis, "Pujo" means pandal hopping and that comes with new apparels including new shoes. New shoes again come with bruises and shoe bites.
Worried? No need to be. You can now be trendy with comfort in your pocket. There are some kick-ass style trends for this Durga Puja which will allow you to freely hop around the pandals, worrying less about the shoe bites.
White Sneakers: As we have already spoken about it a hell lot of times, white sneakers are actually ruling the planet right now. This is the coolest style trend of the year and you actually cannot move out of your house without wearing a pair of white sneakers for at least one day of the festival. They are cool and also very comfortable.
Moreover, white sneakers is not just a trend for women but men can also rock in them. You will benefit if you get yourself a pair with patches on as they seem to be the coolest.

Bling Shoes: Bling is the new in, be it jackets or shoes. Bling shoes are in the limelight and they too can be worn by both men and women. Due to its wacky and unisex characteristics, it is adored by the millenials. You cannot miss out on this trend, especially during this festival.

Sock Boots: Socks with heels or socks with boots, this is one trend that has flown from the West. Supermodel Kendal Jenner has set this trend and now India is going ga-ga over this.

During this festival, do not miss on this trend as it will make you sassy as well as 'hatke'.
Rainbow Tasseled Sandals: Mainly in India, fashion comes with an amalgamation of colours. Especially during festivals, this rainbow tasseled sandals trend cannot go in vain. The special quality of such sandals is that it matches with both Western and traditional outfits. The Bollywood celebs are rocking this trend too; why should you miss?
Kitten Heels: Kitten heels are the tiny thin heels which can be carried by a person who is not even fond of heels. People who love heels can carry them during pandal hoppings, with very less pressure on the feet. We would also recommend you to not walk through the entire city's pandals wearing this pair of shoes. We know that Bengalis are capable of doing that.

Gladiators: Gladiators are back and they are totally rocking the fashion world. Gladiators can be a good option to choose during this festival and it is not just comfortable but also makes your look sexier. We prefer tall girls to go for this trend as gladiators tend to make your legs look smaller which might be a disadvantage for shorter girls.
Worried? No need to be. You can now be trendy with comfort in your pocket. There are some kick-ass style trends for this Durga Puja which will allow you to freely hop around the pandals, worrying less about the shoe bites.
White Sneakers: As we have already spoken about it a hell lot of times, white sneakers are actually ruling the planet right now. This is the coolest style trend of the year and you actually cannot move out of your house without wearing a pair of white sneakers for at least one day of the festival. They are cool and also very comfortable.
Moreover, white sneakers is not just a trend for women but men can also rock in them. You will benefit if you get yourself a pair with patches on as they seem to be the coolest.

Bling Shoes: Bling is the new in, be it jackets or shoes. Bling shoes are in the limelight and they too can be worn by both men and women. Due to its wacky and unisex characteristics, it is adored by the millenials. You cannot miss out on this trend, especially during this festival.

Sock Boots: Socks with heels or socks with boots, this is one trend that has flown from the West. Supermodel Kendal Jenner has set this trend and now India is going ga-ga over this.

During this festival, do not miss on this trend as it will make you sassy as well as 'hatke'.
Rainbow Tasseled Sandals: Mainly in India, fashion comes with an amalgamation of colours. Especially during festivals, this rainbow tasseled sandals trend cannot go in vain. The special quality of such sandals is that it matches with both Western and traditional outfits. The Bollywood celebs are rocking this trend too; why should you miss?
Kitten Heels: Kitten heels are the tiny thin heels which can be carried by a person who is not even fond of heels. People who love heels can carry them during pandal hoppings, with very less pressure on the feet. We would also recommend you to not walk through the entire city's pandals wearing this pair of shoes. We know that Bengalis are capable of doing that.

Gladiators: Gladiators are back and they are totally rocking the fashion world. Gladiators can be a good option to choose during this festival and it is not just comfortable but also makes your look sexier. We prefer tall girls to go for this trend as gladiators tend to make your legs look smaller which might be a disadvantage for shorter girls.