When designing performance footwear, sneaker companies like Nike and Adidas will always starts with the shape of the human foot. A keen understanding of its structure then leads its designers to add support and cushioning in the appropriate places.
But when designing footwear less demanding in its needs - say, the house slippers folks wear in Japan and other cultures where outdoor shoes are a no-go in the house - there's a lot more latitude. Thus Nendo has taken the humorous approach of starting with geometry, then selecting materials pliable enough to more or less adapt that geometry to fit a human foot.
This approach has yielded their Triangle Roomshoes:
A cone-shaped footwear that looks triangular from the side. A natural crease forms in its in-step portion, and it offers a distinctive comfort to your feet unlike any shoes or slippers.

It can stand on its own without taking too much space, and several can be stacked up in the foyer with no need for slipper racks.

We selected two materials with the following in mind, comfort and steadiness when stood on its own. One being polyester that has elasticity and the other being synthetic leather.
Don't like having your Achilles exposed like that? Try their felt-and-leather Kayak Roomshoes:

As shown in their names, these room shoes are shaped in the form of a wooden ship. The soles which are curved just like the bottom of a ship fit comfortably along the bottom of your feet when walking.
But when designing footwear less demanding in its needs - say, the house slippers folks wear in Japan and other cultures where outdoor shoes are a no-go in the house - there's a lot more latitude. Thus Nendo has taken the humorous approach of starting with geometry, then selecting materials pliable enough to more or less adapt that geometry to fit a human foot.
This approach has yielded their Triangle Roomshoes:
A cone-shaped footwear that looks triangular from the side. A natural crease forms in its in-step portion, and it offers a distinctive comfort to your feet unlike any shoes or slippers.

It can stand on its own without taking too much space, and several can be stacked up in the foyer with no need for slipper racks.

We selected two materials with the following in mind, comfort and steadiness when stood on its own. One being polyester that has elasticity and the other being synthetic leather.
Don't like having your Achilles exposed like that? Try their felt-and-leather Kayak Roomshoes:

As shown in their names, these room shoes are shaped in the form of a wooden ship. The soles which are curved just like the bottom of a ship fit comfortably along the bottom of your feet when walking.