Panel members were RLN.Shivakumar, General Manager-The Hindu and D Andrew Sam, CEO and Founder -Simplicity. Panelists enlightened about the New Delhi Declaration, the Saudi Arabia and India corridor, Global North and Global South countries and the success of the Indian G20 summit 2023.
Coimbatore: Sankara College of Science and Commerce, Department of MBA, Organized a Panel Discussion on G20 - 2023 on 15.09.2023. The Panel members were RLN.Shivakumar, General Manager-The Hindu and Andrew Sam, CEO and Founder -Simplicity and the discussion wasmoderated by Bernard Edward, Vice Principal Sankara College of Science and Commerce.

The discussion commenced by a warm welcome given by the Principal Dr. V. Radhika, to the gathering. The discussion began with Bernard Edward Vice Principal moderating the topic. He gave a brief introduction about the G20 summit.
The panelists enlightened about the New Delhi Declaration, the Saudi Arabia and India corridor, Global North and Global South countries and the success of the Indian G20 summit 2023. The valuable points on climate changes and the SDG were an enriching session to the gathering.
The panel discussion was active and interesting with various questions put forward by the audience and the session was a great knowledge gaining part of the session.
Dr. Priya Kalyanasundaram, Head of The Department, proposed the vote of thanks for the panel discussion.
The discussion commenced by a warm welcome given by the Principal Dr. V. Radhika, to the gathering. The discussion began with Bernard Edward Vice Principal moderating the topic. He gave a brief introduction about the G20 summit.
The panelists enlightened about the New Delhi Declaration, the Saudi Arabia and India corridor, Global North and Global South countries and the success of the Indian G20 summit 2023. The valuable points on climate changes and the SDG were an enriching session to the gathering.
The panel discussion was active and interesting with various questions put forward by the audience and the session was a great knowledge gaining part of the session.
Dr. Priya Kalyanasundaram, Head of The Department, proposed the vote of thanks for the panel discussion.