TNAU Directorate of Open and Distance learning - Graduation day

In this Graduation Day about 508 students were felicitated as Diploma holders, with 427 male candidates and 81 female candidates from various parts of Tamil Nadu.

Coimbatore: Several Diploma and Certificate courses are being offered in the Directorate of Open and Distance learning, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore since 2005.

These courses are offered in Agriculture and Horticulture based subjects to school drop outs, farming community, self help groups and other unemployed youth with a view to empower them for self employment and to develop as entrepreneurs.

For the year 2023, Graduation day for Diploma in Agri Inputs, Other Diploma and certificate courses was organized on 11.07.2023 in TNAU. Dr.P.Balasubramaniam, Director, Open and Distance learning, welcomed the gathering with the introductory address about various Open and Distance Learning Programmes and highlighted the importance of learning the ODL courses.

Felicitation addresses were given by M.Mohan, State President, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Input dealers, M.Sathyamoorthi, State Secretary, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Input Dealers Association, Dr.V.Balasubramani, Controller of Examinations, TNAU and Dr.M.Raveendran, Director of Research, TNAU.

Special address was given by Dr.B.Shadrach, Director (CEMCA), Commonwealth of Learning, Canada.

In this ceremony, Dr.V.Geethalakshmi, honourable Vice – Chancellor of TNAU offered the Presidential Address and she enlightened the gathering with importance of ODL courses and about the various job opportunities which can be got for unemployed youth, Self-help groups and farmers by studying various ODL Courses.

Certificates were distributed to the students who studied ODL Programmes and special awards were given to the rank holders by the Vice – Chancellor and Chief guest and invitees.

In this Graduation Day about 508 students were graduated as Diploma holders consisting of 427 male candidates and 81 female candidates from various parts of Tamil Nadu. Finally, Dr.S.Lakshmi, Professor (SST) delivered the vote of thanks.


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