Interested candidates have to be present at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore on the specified dates. The spot admissions are being conducted to fill 1186 vacancies.
Coimbatore: At Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), scheduling will be done on February 2 and 3 to conduct spot admissions to fill 1186 vacancies at the affiliated colleges.
Interested candidates have to be present in person at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore on the specified dates.
Conditions for spot admission:
*Spot admission is applicable only for affiliated colleges and not for Government constituent colleges.
*For spot admission, counselling fee will be collected only from the candidates who choose a seat and
*No sliding will be followed
Those candidates who had already applied and who have not attended the counselling or certificate verification before, or fresh candidates who have been called for counselling can also attend.
Those who have already attended certificate verification, or got admission or discontinued cannot attend.
Selected candidates need not pay the counselling fee before choosing a seat. Candidates who choose a seat have to pay the counselling fee of Rs. 1500 (for SC, SCA & ST) and Rs. 3000 for others.
The annual fee in the affiliated colleges will be from Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 50,000 (exclusive of boarding and lodging fees).
On the day of Spot Admission:
* Interested candidates have to report to the admission venue.
* Candidates can attend counseling with the attested photocopies of the educational and community certificates.
* In the venue, candidates can get clarity about the boarding and lodging fee structure of the affiliated colleges from the staff of concerned colleges.
* Attendance will be marked and a ranking of attended candidates will be done.
* The vacant position will be displayed.
* Based on rank, the candidates will be called for choosing the college and seat.
* Candidates who took spot admission can join the college immediately after paying the prescribed annual fee, which will be facilitated in the University venue itself.
* Once all the seats are either filled in the community or in college, a waitlist will be created and
* After a week time if any vacancy arises still, the same methodologies will be followed for filling up the vacancy.
The community-wise vacancies, details of candidates called for counselling, and schedule of counselling for the dynamic vacancies will be published on on January 31. Vacancy positions will be updated from time-to-time.
In case of clarifications, candidates can call 0422-6611345 or mail to [email protected]