Over 100 participants from 14 constituent colleges, 28 affiliated colleges, all University officers and Heads of the Departments in the main campus actively interacted in the discussion held during the program.
Coimbatore: Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) is aiming for quality assurance and excellence in agriculture education through accreditation process of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). In this process, TNAU is applying for University level, college level and degree level accreditation process for its Constituent colleges through ICAR.

In this regard, a one day state-level Quality Assurance in Agriculture Education through Accreditation awareness program was organized on December 5 at the Office of the Dean (SPGS), TNAU in Coimbatore, which was inaugurated by Dr. V Geethalakshmi, Vice-Chancellor, TNAU in Coimbatore. Dr. N Senthil, Dean (SPGS), TNAU, Coimbatore welcomed the gathering. The inaugural address was delivered by Dr. V Balasubramani, Controller of Examinations, TNAU, Coimbatore.
A panel discussion was chaired by Dr. M Raveendran, Director of Research, TNAU in Coimbatore along with Dr. S R Sree Rangasamy, Dr. R Viswanathan and Dr. M Sivaswamy. Dr. C K Narayana, Principal Scientist and Zonal Coordinator, Southern Zone, ICAR Accreditation delivered a lecture on 'Roadmap of ICAR accreditation.' Dr. P Ramasundaram, National Coordinator, IDP and Nodal Officer, NAHEP delivered talk on 'Quality Assurance in Agriculture Education.' Dr. G Hemaprabha, Director, Sugarcane Breeding Institute delivered the special address. Dr. M Raveendran, Director of Research, TNAU, Coimbatore proposed the vote of thanks.

14 constituent colleges, 28 affiliated colleges, all University officers and Heads of the Departments in the main campus constituting to over 100 participants actively interacted in the discussion.
In this regard, a one day state-level Quality Assurance in Agriculture Education through Accreditation awareness program was organized on December 5 at the Office of the Dean (SPGS), TNAU in Coimbatore, which was inaugurated by Dr. V Geethalakshmi, Vice-Chancellor, TNAU in Coimbatore. Dr. N Senthil, Dean (SPGS), TNAU, Coimbatore welcomed the gathering. The inaugural address was delivered by Dr. V Balasubramani, Controller of Examinations, TNAU, Coimbatore.
A panel discussion was chaired by Dr. M Raveendran, Director of Research, TNAU in Coimbatore along with Dr. S R Sree Rangasamy, Dr. R Viswanathan and Dr. M Sivaswamy. Dr. C K Narayana, Principal Scientist and Zonal Coordinator, Southern Zone, ICAR Accreditation delivered a lecture on 'Roadmap of ICAR accreditation.' Dr. P Ramasundaram, National Coordinator, IDP and Nodal Officer, NAHEP delivered talk on 'Quality Assurance in Agriculture Education.' Dr. G Hemaprabha, Director, Sugarcane Breeding Institute delivered the special address. Dr. M Raveendran, Director of Research, TNAU, Coimbatore proposed the vote of thanks.
14 constituent colleges, 28 affiliated colleges, all University officers and Heads of the Departments in the main campus constituting to over 100 participants actively interacted in the discussion.