ELITZ – A National Level E-Vehicle Contest in Karpagam Institute of Technology

The ELITZ - 2022 event is a challenge of design engineering and manufacturing competition that requires performance demonstration of Electrical vehicles. Applying Engineering ethics in their designing is the theme of the event.

Coimbatore: On behalf of Karpagam Institute of Technology, ELITZ 2022 - A National Level E- Vehicle Contest held on November 26 th , 2022 organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at 09.30 AM.

The Chief Guests were R.Radha Krishnan, Managing Director and R.Muthu Maharaja, Senior Manager, e-Royce Motors India Private Limited, Coimbatore.

The Principal Dr.P.Manimaran, Vice Principal Dr.D.Bhanu, HoD’s of various departments, Faculty Members and Students of Karpagam Institute of Technology were on board.

The ELITZ - 2022 event is a challenge of design engineering and manufacturing competition that requires performance demonstration of Electrical vehicles. Applying Engineering ethics in their designing is the theme of the event. It is also recognized that this event is an "Innovation Enhancement Experience".

The ELITZ - 2022, commenced with an E-Vehicle designed by the students of Karpagam Institute of Technology initiated by the Principal Dr.P.Manimaran, followed by the Poster presentation and Demo of E-Vehicles designed and fabricated by the students. This event is a National Level E-Vehicle contest and design oriented contest where the students of various colleges have participated in this event and they exposed their skills on designing their E- Vehicle.

This event was categorized according to the battery capacity, running time, load capacity and motor characteristics. The Cash prize of around Rs.20,000 were awarded for the teams with best Design, Innovation and Presentation through Posters / Power point Presentation and certificates were distributed to the participants. The Event ended with feedback from the participants and vote of thanks.


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