The session had around 400 students participating with the ‘asanas’ done by the freshers with the guidance of Guru Prasad. He also advised the students to keep following the yoga schedule to improve their concentration power and keep their mind and soul healthy.
Coimbatore: Karpagam Institute of Technology’s Department of Science and Humanities
organized a yoga session as part of the Student Induction Programme for first-year students on Tuesday at the KIT Seminar Hall in Coimbatore.
The event took place in the presence of Principal Dr. P Manimaran, the Vice Principal Dr.D Bhanu, Dean of Academics Dr. A J Arulkarthik and Dr.S Padmanaban, Head of the Department, Science and Humanities. The session was handled by Guru Prasad, Volunteer, ISHA Yoga Foundation, Coimbatore. He motivated the students to do yoga on a regular basis. He suggested to the students to introduce some asanas for parents and grandparents too.
He taught some basic asanas like a full deep inhaling and exhaling, slowly, Parsvottanasana which helps to stretch for spine and hip and restore the balance for spinal cord, Halasana which follow an exact order that allows for the systematic movement of every major part of the body in a balanced way that enhances prana or life force energy, and keeping the mind calm without the need to think beyond each individual pose.
In this session, around 400 students participated. These asanas were done by the freshers with the guidance of Guru Prasad. He also advised the students to keep following the yoga schedule to improve their concentration power and keep their mind and soul healthy.