The department of Electrical and Electronics organised a one day National level Workshop on “E-Mobility With IoT” on 27.10.2022.
Coimbatore: The department of Electrical and Electronics organised an one day National level Workshop on “E-Mobility With IoT on 27.10.2022. Dr.V.Tamilselvan HoD/EEE, gave the presidential address and Dr.M.Sivaramkrishnan, Assistant Professor/EEE Introduced the resource persons.
S.Alex Jeoffrey, resource person started the morning session with EV Deployment in Global and Indian Scenarios. He also showcased Incremental conductance MPPT with boost converter in Charging Station.
Afternoon session was handled by G.Mohan Shankar, he started his session with Communication between two vehicles using IoT and explained various technology available in the automobile industry. He also extended his session with Mobility and IoT for the smart cities.
The live demonstration of IoT integration with EV was carried out.
The participants actively interacted with the resource persons and they were very much interested in this topic and they had given a feedback that it was very helpful for their career. P.Palpandian, Assistant Professor/EEE concluded the session with vote of thanks.