Part time training classes for school-going children are to be started from June 18 at Malumichampatti Kadarparattai College Campus, Chettipalayam Road, Coimbatore.
Coimbatore: District Collector GS Sameeran said that part-time training classes in the arts for school-going children will be started in Coimbatore on behalf of the Tamil Nadu government.
According to a statement issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu, the Jawaharlal Nehru Children's Council, under the auspices of the Department of Arts and Culture, has been providing part-time classes in the arts to students going to school in art colleges. The campus of Solakampatti Government Music College in Chettipalayam, Coimbatore has been selected as the destination where the training will be provided.
The classes will provide training in vocal music, art classes and Bharathanatyam classes will be held from 3 pm to 5 pm on Saturdays and from 10 am to 12 pm on Sundays, and children between the ages of 5 and 16 can join, with no tuition fees. An annual subscription of 300 rupees is required to register as a member of the Children's Council and receive training, which starts on June 18 and will continue till the end of March next year.
Children who train as members of the forum will be given the opportunity to participate in district, state, and national level competitions, and attend seminars and workshops.
Training classes are to be started from June 18 at Malumichampatti Kadarparattai College Campus, Chettipalayam Road, Coimbatore. The District Collector said that for registration and further details, please contact the Coimbatore Jawahar Nehru Children's Project Officer on 9751528188.
According to a statement issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu, the Jawaharlal Nehru Children's Council, under the auspices of the Department of Arts and Culture, has been providing part-time classes in the arts to students going to school in art colleges. The campus of Solakampatti Government Music College in Chettipalayam, Coimbatore has been selected as the destination where the training will be provided.
The classes will provide training in vocal music, art classes and Bharathanatyam classes will be held from 3 pm to 5 pm on Saturdays and from 10 am to 12 pm on Sundays, and children between the ages of 5 and 16 can join, with no tuition fees. An annual subscription of 300 rupees is required to register as a member of the Children's Council and receive training, which starts on June 18 and will continue till the end of March next year.
Children who train as members of the forum will be given the opportunity to participate in district, state, and national level competitions, and attend seminars and workshops.
Training classes are to be started from June 18 at Malumichampatti Kadarparattai College Campus, Chettipalayam Road, Coimbatore. The District Collector said that for registration and further details, please contact the Coimbatore Jawahar Nehru Children's Project Officer on 9751528188.