Group 1 examination: 24 centers ready and special buses to be operated - Coimbatore District Collector

Group 1 examination: District Collector K. Rajamani says 24 centers ready and special buses to be operated

Coimbatore: Group 1 examination is to be held on the January 3rd. District Collector K. Rajamani said that 24 centers are ready and special buses are being operated.

According to a press release issued by Coimbatore District Collector Rajamani, the examination is scheduled to be held on the 3rd at 40 examination halls in 24 examination centers in Coimbatore district from 10 am to 1 pm. A total of 11,887 candidates are scheduled to appear for the exam in Coimbatore district. Candidates should download their hall tickets from the Tamil Nadu Civil Servants Examination website to know their examination center.

Special buses will be operated by the Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation to reach more examination centers. The examination will be conducted by the Tamil Nadu Civil Service Selection Board with 9 mobile officers, 40 examination supervisors and 40 examination supervisors in the position of Deputy Collector and 5 Flying Squadron officers have been appointed as Deputy Collectors.

A district level review committee has been set up with the District Collector and District Revenue Officers to ensure that no irregularities take place at the examination centers. COVID-19 prevention arrangements are being made to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection in all examination centers. Adequate security and basic facilities have been made for the exams. Video recording facility is available at all examination centers. The candidates are required to arrive at the exam centre at 9:15.

Previously candidates were allowed to appear for the examinations conducted earlier till the commencement of the examination. This procedure will not be followed now and no candidate who comes after 9:15 will be allowed inside. Candidates are asked to use only the black colored ballpoint pen to fill in the details of the answer sheets and mark the answers and not use pencils and other ink pens. The answer paper should be signed in two places and also a thumbprint of the left hand should be placed.

The District collector said while doing so care should be taken not to damage the answer sheet in any way and added that the total number of answers given in the OMR sheet must be counted and shaded in the sheet. Each question will have five options A, B, C, D and E. Candidate must count the number of answers made and shade appropriately on the OMR sheet and failure to do so will cause deduction of five marks.

Candidates are to complete the process in 15 minutes after the end of the exam time and hand over the answer sheet to the Exam Room Supervisor. He said the candidates should use their Aashar number to download the examination hall ticket online and reach the examination center one hour before the examination.


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