Wildlife Week Celebrations held in Bharathiar University

Coimbatore: The Wildlife Week Celebration was held by the Nature Club in the Department of Zoology in Bharathiar University.

Coimbatore: The Wildlife Week Celebration was held by the Nature Club in the Department of Zoology in Bharathiar University.

A webinar was organized by the club to commemorate the wildlife week. The Nature club of Bharathiar University and Department of Zoology in association with Rotaract Club of the Western, OSAI and Zoo Outreach Organization, organized a webinar on 7th October, 2020, to mark the 23rd Year of Wildlife Week Celebrations.

The webinar began at 10:30 am. Dr. M. Ramesh welcomed the gathering following which The Vice Chancellor of Bharathiar University, Prof. Dr. P. Kaliraj, delivered the presidential address. Dr. C. Gunasekaran, the faculty advisor of the Nature club, BU, spoke about the wildlife week celebrations and its importance. A special lecture on “People participation in Wildlife Conservation” was given by Mr. K. Kalidasan, President, OSAI. He highlighted the role humans play in wildlife conservation and how it is everyone’s responsibility to be respectful and mindful of the environment they live in and make sure that it is protected and safeguarded at all costs, so that the future generation gets to enjoy nature in all its glory.

This was followed by another guest lecture by Dr. B. A. Daniel, Scientist, Zoo Outreach organization, Coimbatore on “Animal Welfare in Wildlife Conservation”.The talk was an eye opener as it helped students and all participating members understand the true link between animal welfare and conservation and how these two are directly related and co-dependent.

The session discussed that welfare not only applies to domestic animals, but to the wild ones as well. Proper steps need to be taken to ensure that the current wildlife status in India and all countries around the world doesn’t weaken any further. Instead all citizens need to gear up and actively take part in conservation activities, to promote and preserve wildlife. Paul Oxton quotes “No matter how few possessions you own or how little money you have, loving wildlife and nature will make you rich beyond measure.” Nature and wildlife can teach us lessons, which a classroom cannot.

The session came to a close with the Head of the Department of Zoology and Registrar i/c of Bharathiar university giving the valedictory address. A total of 80students, 20 professors and 30 Rotaract club members participated in this webinar.


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