Pollachi Bharathiar University Arts and Science college begins counselling for admissions

Coimbatore: Counselling for admissions into the Bharathiar University Arts and Science college, Pollachi was held today.

Coimbatore: Counselling for admissions into the Bharathiar University Arts and Science college, Pollachi was held today.

Counselling for courses such as BA English, BSc. Maths, and B.Com Professional Accounting were held. Applications for the courses were to be downloaded online and filled up by the applicants before arriving for the counselling.

Students who brought the applications took part in the counselling that commenced today at the college campus and was chaired by Principal Anbazhagan (In-charge). The first phase of counselling was held for the children of army men. Following this, counselling for vocational courses was held and later counselling for rankings one to 100 were held.

The College Administration informed, "Out of the 488 applications received, 135 applicants were called yesterday. 95 of them were selected. Two more counselling sessions will be held on August 14 and on August 17. Applicants arriving for the counselling must bring three copies of theschool TC, class 12 mark sheet, class 11 marksheet, community certificate, residence certificate or ration card, and Aadhar card along with the originals. Further, they must provide five passport size photographs."


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